The National Centre RUSSIA will serve as a platform for developing new approaches to global economic growth. The National Centre RUSSIA has launched a large-scale international project in the format of the Open Dialogue “The Future of the World. New Platform for Global Growth”.
Representatives of the international community are invited to the discussion, including think tanks, academia, government institutions, business associations, science and journalism.
In order to participate in the discussion, please submit an essay outlining your own reasoned position on the issue of the global economic development.
The best essays on the basic topics will be included in the shortlist of the Open Dialogue, and the authors will meet at the in-person session on April 28-30, 2025 at the National Centre RUSSIA.
Essays should be submitted via e-mail: or uploaded to the personal cabinet after registration on the portal.
How will the global economy develop in the coming years?
Which approaches and projects will be most efficient?
Essay requirements
Working language: Chosen by the essay’s author. The volume of the presented material: Up to 5 A4 sheets, Times New Roman font, font size 14, up to 12 000 characters with spaces, report time up to 10 minutes
The title corresponding to the subject of the essay
Specifying a thematic vector
Preamble: prerequisites for writing an essay, relevance of the topic (in terms of challenge/opportunity)
Revealing the core of the hypothesis, supported by analytical insights, statistical data and predictive models.
Emphasis on economic and social effects
General conclusions, expected results
Compliance with copyright laws, the proper attribution of authorship in case of quotation and reference
Avoiding plagiarism
Avoiding direct advertising
Avoiding unsubstantiated criticisms of the leaders of countries, corporations, and participants in dialogue
Refraining from making disparaging remarks based on nationality, religion, physical attributes, or any other principle
Preventing calls for action that are in contravention of criminal law, human rights, the constitutional law of states, etc.
Document in text editors with *.doc, *.txt resolution. The submitted materials should not be secured with passwords or any other authentication measures.
Essay topics
THE HUMAN CAPITAL is the primary driver of the modern economic landscape. In order to ensure human’s well-being, technology is being developed, comfortable living standards are being established, and communication is being enhanced. What strategies and initiatives within the framework of New Platform for Global Growth will facilitate investing in human capital development to make it a key beneficiary of economic advancement?
Topics for discussion:
Attracting investments in human capital: approaches and tools.
The significance of values and traditions in people-saving.
The implementation of an efficient demographic policy with the population ageing.
Migration: challenges and opportunities for economic development.
The labor market of the future: the impact of AI and training.
Overcoming digital divide: steps towards equal opportunities.
Empowering the next generation: strategies to reduce youth unemployment.
Transformation of education: how new technologies will change learning.
Happiness Index: strategies for enhancing population well-being.
The economics of well-being: prospects and effects of promoting healthy lifestyle.
TECHNOLOGYis not just a trend. It has the potential to address critical challenges that countries in the Global South and East face. Within the framework of New Platform for Global Growth, what technological areas and initiatives should be prioritized in order to contribute to economic growth and improve the standard of living?
Topics for discussion:
New technology for ensuring food safety.
Breakthrough technology in industry.
The changing of countries' sectoral specializations with the advent of new technology.
Artificial intelligence as a key end-to-end technology.
Optimization of the healthcare system using advanced technology.
Technological solutions to preventing or minimizing the consequences of natural disaster.
Technological solutions for water resource management amid climate change.
Cybersecurity in the era of the big Data economy.
Technology for providing accessible and sustainable energy.
Using technology to develop smart cities.
The platform economy.
ENVIRONMENTAL COMFORT has a significant impact on both human wellbeing and overall economic productivity. Which investment initiatives and solutions under New Platform for Global Growth will create a more comfortable, sustainable and safe living environment?
Topics for discussion:
Human-centricity as a principle of territorial development.
Green infrastructure: creating sustainable and environmentally friendly urban spaces.
Transport accessibility for everyone.
Creating a comfortable environment subject to climate change.
The potential of the circular economy.
A path to creation: a commitment to corporate social responsibility as a global standard.
Managing natural hazards.
Barrier-free and inclusive environment – luxury or necessity.
Conscious consumption as the basis for conscious supply.
Opportunities for the development of sustainable tourism to enhance the quality of the urban environment.
The global economy is becoming increasingly interconnected through the development of international trade, transportation, digital infrastructure, and the growth of information flows.What strategic investments in communication will contribute to accelerating economic growth, enhancing international interactions, and unlocking emerging opportunities in New Platform for Global Growth?
Topics for discussion:
Future of trade.
Reducing barriers to services trade – the opportunity of the century?
Approaches to infrastructure development in the 21st century.
New logistics routes in the Global South and East.
How to build an intercultural dialogue?
Global challenges and responses of insurance industry.
Improving financial flows.
Digital currencies as a means of enhancing international financial networks.
Data mobility as a key element of global connectivity.